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EOL Reprogramming

iGenius provides state-of-the-art EOL or End-Of-Line systems that can be used to analyze, measure, and check the functionality of automotive electronic control units or ECUs, mechanical parts and related systems. iGenius offers a wide array of high-quality and reliable EOL Programming and testing solutions and the key factors considered by our specialists are high test quantity, successful test completion and low system with lower upgrade overheads. The following are the major EOL solutions we provide at iGenius:


  • Battery management system for electric vehicles
  • Remote control keys
  • Electric windows
  • Car seats
  • HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
  • Tailgates
  • ESL (Electronic Steering Lock)
  • Seat occupancy sensors


iGenius is a trusted name when it comes to delivering high-quality maintenance systems for ECUs. For instance, Our End-Of-Line Reprogramming system consists of a software development framework for the ECU which includes the following:


  1. ECU Programming Control Modules
  2. ECU Programming Stations For Engine Assembling Functions
  3. ECU Programming Stations To Facilitate Automotive Production Sites
  4. ECU Diagnostic Stations And Programming Stations For Authorized Industries/ Firms
  5. ECU Backup And Diagnostic Modules For Presales, Warranty, as well as for Warranty and Post-Warranty Repair Services for Engines and Vehicles


At iGenius, we house state-of-the-art, fully automated test cell for integration in production lines. Our professionally qualified and expert automotive experts have devised EOL Programming solutions that is a flexible test platform, designed and implemented to resolve the rising intricacy of automotive electronics. Our EOL modules are programmed based on two major features:


  1. Motor test System: To control and log data of Motor under test. This is called the Motor Test System where voltage regulation, temperature rise tests, and so on can be carried out in an automated manner. Based on the configured data, results PASS and FAIL data will be displayed.
  2. Alternator Test System: At iGenius, our End Of Line solutions has a testing system that can continuously monitor temperature-rise, while performing the heat-run test.